2011 Endow Iowa Grant Program
Grant Application Information
Mission Statement: The Monroe County, Iowa Community Foundation receives, accepts, and distributes funds for educational, cultural, civic and charitable purposes for the benefit of the greater community of Monroe County, Iowa. Our goals are to assist qualified organizations through grant distributions, provide scholarships for post-secondary education and training, encourage individual and corporate involvement through gifts and bequests, and to administer and invest funds for the creation of perpetual opportunities and services.
Grant applications to non-profit organizations are available this year beginning November 1st from the foundation by contacting Dave Johnson or Dan Tometich. The completed application form and the appropriate number of copies must be returned to the foundation by mail to the address above no later than December 31st. The application can also be accessed by internet @ www.albiaindustrial.com. Click on the "Community Foundation" link and then click on "2011 Grants" link at the top of the page.
Grant applications will be reviewed on the following criteria:
Benefit to residents of Monroe County or it’s communities
Number of residents who will be affected
Completeness of Application and Organization Description
Collaborative Relationships and Matched Funds that are leveraged
The merit of the project for meeting priority community needs
The total amount of the annual grant disbursements include distributions from County Endowment funds and interest income generated by the Foundation during the year ending December 31.
The applications are reviewed by the Grant Committee during the first few weeks of January and recommendations are made to the Board of Directors. Action will be taken at a full Board of Director’s meeting to approve the grants no later than March 1st. All grant applicants will be notified as to their approval or denial.
Checks for the amount granted will be sent to grant recipients upon receipt of the Agreement Form or at a later date by mutual agreement. The Agreement Form indicates the grant recipients willingness to use the funds awarded for the purpose requested, to file a final report, to give the Monroe County, Iowa Community Foundation credit in all media releases, provide proof of your purchase for "capital" and/or "special project" items within six months of grant distribution, and to return any portion of the grant monies not used for the designated purpose.
Any additional questions should be directed to the attention of Dave Johnson or Dan Tometich.
Downloads (Word format):
Grant Application Information (Grant Application Information.doc)
2011 Grant Application (2011 MCICF Grant Application.doc)